Solar Engineering Research and Racing Team
How it all began...
In 1989, the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, developed the first solar car in Latin America. This event rapidly attracted the attention of the world. Articles about our car were seen in different newspapers and television broadcasts, through Puerto Rico and America. Two other solar cars built by the UPRM followed, one in 1993 and the other one in 1995. Once again, the attention of many were captured. The futuristic vehicles fascinated both spectators and enthusiasts around the world. These solar cars have participated in several exhibitions and scientific events. Beside newspaper articles, television stations like CNN, Telemundo, CBS, Discovery Channel and many other stations have been marveled by these cars.
The Shining Star 2
The Shining Star 2 our last solar car competed in the ASC in 1995.
The Shining Star
The first solar car “Shinning Star”, built in 1989, competed in the American Solar Challenge (ASC) in the United States on 1990.
In summer part of SERRT Team worked on the desing of an electric fourtrack. Made with recycled materials, this project was completed in time to exhibit it in the new admision students week.
Discovery 500
The “Discovery 500” (which was named in recognition of the 500 years since Puerto Rico’s discovery) competed in the World Solar Challenge (WSC) and the ASC in 1993.

“Discovering the unknown”
This phrase is what we, the Solar Engineering Research Racing Team, are all about. Our aim is to work hands-on, on solar energy-based transportation. We will put our knowledge to the test, breaking through barriers that challenge us to keep moving towards a new future. The product of our work today will become the technology and designs of tomorrow.
• Expose our members to real life issues regarding management, engineering, marketing, business and sustainability.
• Promote the study of STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics), the importance of alternative energy and transportation in our community.
• Develop soft and technical skills on our members and the ability to pass them onto next generations.
• Uphold our supporters’ name and reputation high and visible through press and exposure.
• Make accessible solar energy vehicle research and development.​


Wilmer E Sanabria
Electrical Engineering Captain

Diego Mercado
Mechanical Engineering Captain

UPRM - Dpto Ingenieria Mecanica
C/o David Serrano
259 Alfonso Valdez Blvd.
Mayaguez, PR
Email: serrt.uprm@gmail.com
Tel: 787-616-1701
For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form: